Crochet Swimsuit Cover-up Dress

Hi there, I hope you are well. I finally finished my crochet swimsuit cover-up dress that I started at the beginning of February. I enjoyed the slow process and was happy with how it turned out. I used 9 skeins of off-white cotton yarn and a 3 mm crochet hook. For the pattern, I followed a YouTube tutorial from  Crochettoz . It's a clear and easy tutorial to follow, thank you so much 😍 Also, I shared my process of making this cover-up on my YouTube channel, click the video below if you want to see it. And please, subscribe to my channel if you like the video and want to see more in the future 😊😍 I took a few photos of the progress and the picture below shows the start of the cover-up dress. I did chain stitch until I reached 60'' and followed with double crochet stitch and then crocheted the patterns. I mostly crochet at night when I finish all the house chores and sometimes in the afternoon when I'm sitting on the sofa.  The cover

June 2021 Sewing Plans

Happy Tuesday, friends. I always like to make plans, especially for sewing. Because it keeps me focus on what I should make and avoid unnecessary sewing, also avoid wasting my precious time.
I was checking my stash last week and realized that I still have enough fabrics to sew for a few months, which means I don't need to visit the fabric shop 😁 Honestly I always laugh when saying this. 
I'll keep my promise but you know that fabric shopping is therapy and makes us (sewist) happy.

My sewing plans this month are still the same as the previous month, I'll be sewing garments that I'm sure I will wear. Also, I will continue participating in the two challenges on Instagram, #magamsewalong and #sewyourwradrobebasics. I'm planning to make two dresses, one knit top, one slip dress to wear at home and one bathing cover-up to wear in case I'm going to the swimming pool.
And here are the plans, all fabrics are from stash and leftover from the previous garments:
Rayon Crepe Fabric
I bought this fabric last year in the local shop, I love the color, the print and it drapes beautifully. I'm going to make a dress with a puff sleeve and gathering at the front, thinking to wear this dress for lunch or dinner out. For the pattern, I will be using Burdastyle 03/2013 - dress 113.
This dress will be my entry to #magamsewalong Jamboree June, an Instagram challenge hosted by Sue, Suzy and Whendy7. As we are still in lockdown, no trip to other country or attending a party, I will be wearing this dress on a short trip to the local restaurant 😍

Aqua Blue Knit Cotton.
This fabric is a leftover from the previous t-shirt. I'm planning to make a v-neck button-down top with a puff sleeve. I'm thinking that this top will match easily with my handmade skirts and culottes.
I drafted the pattern last week and I will be cutting the fabric this afternoon.

Printed Cotton Linen Blend.
I love this fabric and bought it four yards, I made A dress with a ruffle hem before and still have leftovers to make another dress and tank top.
I'm planning to make a slip dress to wear at home. I drafted the pattern last year and I sewed the first version of the slip dress link here or the pictures below the fabric.

Printed Cotton Voile.
This fabric is leftover from my previous dress, I had 1.5 yards leftover and decided to go back to the shop last month to buy another 1.5 yards. I'm planning to make a kimono bathing suit cover-up and drafting the pattern by myself. I made a flat sketch below and I think the cover-up is easy to draft and to sew.

Knit Jersey Fabric.
I bought this fabric two years ago in the local shop, I bought it because of the purple color. My plan is to make a wrap dress with short sleeve version.
I will be using Burdastyle pattern 05/2019, I made the first version before the link here or the pictures below. But I'm going to add the sleeves to the pattern, the original pattern has shoulder ties.
The purple jersey wrap dress will be my entry to #sewyourwardrobebasics June with theme Jersey, a sewing challenge both on Instagram or blog hosted by Stefanie Sea Of Teal.
That's it for today, friends. Thank you for stopping by. 
Happy Sewing 💗


  1. Hello Hana, what a nice post. I like sewing plans as well - nowadays I don't have much time to sew them up though! The rayon crepe is very pretty, so looking forward to seeing that made up - plus all the other garments of course.

    1. Hi Sarah Liz, thank you. I'm glad to see you back to sewing. I hope all is well and I look forward to seeing your makes too.

  2. Ah, Hana... such pretty fabrics. I look forward to seeing the pretty garments you will be sewing. Pretty, pretty, pretty.

    1. Thank you Lyrique, I hope they will turn out as my plans 😊


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