DIY Make-Up Zipper Pouch

  I made an easy make-up zipper pouch using leftover fabrics and was happy with the result. The final size was 26 cm x 12 cm. It's lovely, fluffy, useful and big enough to store all my makeup and skincare products.  Materials for the pouch: - Main fabric, lining and polyester batting, 40 cm x 50 cm. - Fabric tags (2x), 9 cm x 10 cm. - Bias tape band, 6 cm wide. - Zipper The sewing process started with topstitching (quilt style) the main fabric and polyester batting together. After that, I sewed the zipper at the main fabric (both sides). I attached and sewed the lining to the main fabric, right sides together. And then, topstitched both sides of the zipper. And cut the excess zipper.  I sewed the tags and inserted them in both sides of the end of the zipper and sewed along the lines. I sewed the bias tape bands on both sides. And cut the corners in square shape 4 cm x 4 cm (not including seam allowance). I connected the squares together and sewed them. I sewed the bias ta...


Here is my quick update of "DIY Friday". I made a petticoat yesterday and I am happy with how it turned out.
I was planning to make for so long, I bought the fabric many months ago but always distracted with other things. And only after I finished my mint dress for March MAGAM challenge, I realized that I need a petticoat to wear with it.

Pattern and Materials:
The pattern is based on BurdaStyle Sewing Vintage Modern - Elizabeth Gathered-Waist Dress size 34.
And for the materials :
I used 2.5 yards of petticoat fabric in white color
1.5 cm self-made bias tape (I was planning to use store bought bias tape in grey color but it was too small). In total, I used 124 cm long of bias tape - 76 cm for the waistline trim and the rest for knot in the end.
And white thread

The sewing process was easy and fast, I transfered the skirt pattern on the fabric and cut it - my skirt is 35 cm long. And cut four pieces of ruffle - 20.5 cm long.
After I have all the pieces of fabrics, I pin and sew according to the instruction. In this case, I was pinning more than sewing :)
The picture below is front side ruffle. I was shocked with the amount of pins that I used.
The way I worked on my petticoat is exactly like the original instruction from BurdaStyle - the skirt and ruffle were pleated and finished with bias tape knot in the left side of my waist.
As shown in the pictures below,

Well, after I made first version of the petticoat, I want to make another one in different color - maybe black. But I want to make longer with one more tier. I also want to try to gather the ruffles instead of pleat. I will see...

That's it for my today post. I will be writing the next post about my mint dress that I already done for one week or more..

Happy Sewing!

P.S. I linking this petticoat to Caroline at sewcanshe for Show Off Saturday


  1. What a fantastic petticoat! Love all the detail you put into it and it is simply lovely.

  2. That's a lovely little petticoat Hana. Perfect for finishing off full skirt dresses :)x

  3. Oh, what attention to detail Hana! A beautiful make...almost a shame to hide it under a dress or skirt! I tried to make a tulle petticoat but got pretty frustrated. I was trying gathers, but I think the pleating would be much better, even if you do have to use a lot of pins! Okay, you've inspired me to get busy on mine....Is the pattern in The Burda Vintage Book?

    1. Thank you, Sue. Well, here in China many girls using it on the top of their skirt/dress :) But I will never do that.

      The pattern based on BurdaStyle Sewing Vintage - Elizabeth Gathered Waist dress.

    2. you used the Elizabeth Gathered Waist Dress pattern {lovely pattern by the way} and added the tiers etc. Or does this pattern include a petticoat with it? Sorry for the questions. xo

    3. The petticoat based on the skirt of Elizabeth Gathered Waist dress. This is one of the variation based on that pattern. If you have the Burda Vintage Modern book, you will find the full instruction in the page 78. But I don't think the variation include when you buy pdf pattern.

      Here what I did, I split the skirt pattern in two part, upper part 35 cm long and below part 20.5 cm long.
      The upper part is the skirt of my petticoat, I cut 2 x on fold and below part is the ruffle, I cut 4 x on fold.
      Then I sew the skirt pieces right side together and pleated the upper skirt and attached to the bias tape waist line.
      After that I sew the four ruffles together, pleated and attached to the skirt bottom.
      I hope my explanation will help :)

  4. Lovely petticoat.. I made my 2 older granddaughters one last year.. They needed them for Easter dresses.. I like your waist band.. Really cute..


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