Crochet Swimsuit Cover-up Dress

Hi there, I hope you are well. I finally finished my crochet swimsuit cover-up dress that I started at the beginning of February. I enjoyed the slow process and was happy with how it turned out. I used 9 skeins of off-white cotton yarn and a 3 mm crochet hook. For the pattern, I followed a YouTube tutorial from  Crochettoz . It's a clear and easy tutorial to follow, thank you so much 😍 Also, I shared my process of making this cover-up on my YouTube channel, click the video below if you want to see it. And please, subscribe to my channel if you like the video and want to see more in the future 😊😍 I took a few photos of the progress and the picture below shows the start of the cover-up dress. I did chain stitch until I reached 60'' and followed with double crochet stitch and then crocheted the patterns. I mostly crochet at night when I finish all the house chores and sometimes in the afternoon when I'm sitting on the sofa.  The cover

Super Sweet Blogging Award

I'd like to say a big thank you to Margo of Creating In The Gap for nominating my blog for The Super Sweet Blogging Award. Margo is a very sweet and talented sewist who blogged all her sewing projects, check out her blog to see all her lovely creations.

Here are the official rules that I have to do next after received the award:
  1. Thank the Super Sweet blogger that nominated you.
  2. Answer 5 Super Sweet questions
  3. Include the Super Sweet Blogging Award in your post
  4. Nominate a baker's dozen (13) other deserving bloggers.
  5. Notify your Super Sweet Nominees on their blog.

Here are the answer of sweet questions:
Cookies or cakes?
I love both of them. Especially home made cupcakes.
Chocolate or vanilla?
I love both of them:)
What is your favorite sweet treat?
Nothing better than homemade Portuguese chocolate mousse layer with homemade serradura (sawdust pudding)
If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be?
My husband used to called me "honey"
And the nominees are...
Have a great Wednesday to you all!


  1. Hana, thank you. This is beyond super sweet!

  2. Hana, Thank you very much-it has been fun to get to know you through the StyleYourStash project. I can see why YOU received the award :-)

  3. Hana, thank you so much for the award, that is "so sweet" of you to think of me :)

  4. Thank You Hana! :) Im Going To Google Portuguese Choco Mousse.And Sawdust Pudding. Intriguing!

  5. Thank you Hana! How nice and sweet of you to think about me. Besos from Spain

  6. Hana, thank you so much for nominating my blog for the award! It is very SWEET OF YOU! ;)

  7. Thank you Hana for nominating the dementedkiwi for an award - I'm not so sure how sweet she really is!! but you are a deserving winner - love reading what you are up to.

  8. Thanks, dear Hana! You are a sweet pastry too. I bring this award to my "virtual home". Happy weekend.

  9. Thanks a lot for nominating my blog! I love sweets!

  10. Thank You Hana! :) Thank you so much for the award. You are a sweet pastry too


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