DIY Make-Up Zipper Pouch

  I made an easy make-up zipper pouch using leftover fabrics and was happy with the result. The final size was 26 cm x 12 cm. It's lovely, fluffy, useful and big enough to store all my makeup and skincare products.  Materials for the pouch: - Main fabric, lining and polyester batting, 40 cm x 50 cm. - Fabric tags (2x), 9 cm x 10 cm. - Bias tape band, 6 cm wide. - Zipper The sewing process started with topstitching (quilt style) the main fabric and polyester batting together. After that, I sewed the zipper at the main fabric (both sides). I attached and sewed the lining to the main fabric, right sides together. And then, topstitched both sides of the zipper. And cut the excess zipper.  I sewed the tags and inserted them in both sides of the end of the zipper and sewed along the lines. I sewed the bias tape bands on both sides. And cut the corners in square shape 4 cm x 4 cm (not including seam allowance). I connected the squares together and sewed them. I sewed the bias ta...

2013 Style The Stash Sew A Long

Hello everyone!
I am joining Sarah of SarahLiz Sew Style on a challenge to sew garments from the stash. And here are my sewing plans/ideas for June 2013,

My first project is an outfit (floral shorts and matching t-shirt), inspired by Instyle - Summer Fashion 2013 .
I am  going to use a pencil pants pattern based on Burdastyle Pencil Pants 04/2013 for this shorts, I will explain to you how I made a shorts pattern from a pants pattern on my next post.
For the fabric, I will use 1 1/5 yards of light weight floral linen. I am thinking of making a matching bag if I have the left over fabric, I will see later:)
Also, I am thinking of matching the shorts with a purple t-shirt. I had an idea of refashion a men t-shirt that I had inside my stash.

image source

And my second project is brocade dress based on Burdastyle Sweetheart Dress 04/2013.
I have 2 yards of brocade fabric in floral green in my stash for so long waiting for the right pattern.

image source

Happy sewing and wishing you a very good weekend (it's almost weekend here in Macau)!
P.S. If you are interested with style the stash sew a long group, please head over this link, Style The Stash Sew A Long. Some of the participants already made a lovely projects.


  1. Great Plans Hana!They Are Gonna Turn Up Pretty IM Sure! Have A Nice Weekend :)

  2. Wow! That is to think big! Perfect project for this month ... Looking forward ... I love the idea of ​​making a bag to matching with your pants ...

  3. Hi Hana, I can't wait to see these garments made up - they are all going to be so pretty :)

  4. Hello Hana looking forward to seeing this fabric from the stash made up. I am enjoying your blog and love the last Burda dress.

  5. Hi Ladies! Thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate it :)


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