DIY Make-Up Zipper Pouch

  I made an easy make-up zipper pouch using leftover fabrics and was happy with the result. The final size was 26 cm x 12 cm. It's lovely, fluffy, useful and big enough to store all my makeup and skincare products.  Materials for the pouch: - Main fabric, lining and polyester batting, 40 cm x 50 cm. - Fabric tags (2x), 9 cm x 10 cm. - Bias tape band, 6 cm wide. - Zipper The sewing process started with topstitching (quilt style) the main fabric and polyester batting together. After that, I sewed the zipper at the main fabric (both sides). I attached and sewed the lining to the main fabric, right sides together. And then, topstitched both sides of the zipper. And cut the excess zipper.  I sewed the tags and inserted them in both sides of the end of the zipper and sewed along the lines. I sewed the bias tape bands on both sides. And cut the corners in square shape 4 cm x 4 cm (not including seam allowance). I connected the squares together and sewed them. I sewed the bias ta...

May Flower Kimono Dresses And MMMay'18 Round Up

Hello friends, I made two cotton dresses recently based on Japanese sewing book that DH brought to me from Japan. The book name is Simple Adult Clothes (translated from Japanese) and I used pattern number 2, a simple v-neck kimono tunic that I lengthen the pattern into a dress. 
As I am not sure about the sizing, I decided to make the first dress as wearable muslin in white and purple floral print in size M. I found out that the dress was too roomy for my liking, so I have to reduce 6 cm in both sides from under arm down to the hem.
For the v-neckline, I was following the original pattern instruction to use binding from the same fabric but it doesn't work for me. So, I changed to knit ribbing binding in white, sew it around the v-neckline and top stitched with twin needle.
For the seam allowance, I used 1.5 cm in all edges and 3 cm for sleeve and hem allowances.

Here is the final look of the first dress front and back views. Hope you can spot the center front pleat and two back pleats.
And here is the look of the dress on me, I wore it for the second time in MMMay'18 and this one was in day 23. Picture was taken after lunch and the dress was perfect to wear in hot humid weather, so comfy and airy.

The second dress was made out of blue floral cotton, I made it for my entry for "May Flower"  #magamsewalong hosted by SarahLizsewstyle and I was thinking that the fabric will go well with the theme and my pattern choice.
For the second dress, I decided to finish the neckline with bias tape band sewed in the wrong side of the dress and I think it was easier process than the first dress.
Almost forgot to mention, this dress pattern has two pieces of pattern but it connected together at the shoulder during cutting the fabric. Here is the look of it, it reminds me of kimono pattern ages ago. Also, I lengthen the original tunic pattern to knee length dress pattern.

I really like the neckline finishing of this dress using bias tape band and I did top stitch the front pleat until my navel. I felt that longer top stitch gave the dress more shape and less roomy.
The back pleats remained the same.
And here are the last two pictures of the dress on me, back and side views.

Well, I hope you don't get bored with a long post today. As promised in my previous post, here's my round-up of me made outfits that I wore during Me Made May 2018 hosted by Zoe of @SoZoblog. It was a fabulous month full of inspirations for the next projects. 
About the garments, I am sure almost all of them you've seen in the blog before and I decided to add new garments because my old ones don't fit me due gaining of weight (6 new dresses, 1 new skirt and three recent refashions). I will publish the new dresses and refashions later.
Thank you for reading and happy weekend 💗💗


  1. Lovely dresses, Hana. I always enjoy seeing what you make. Your outfits for MMM looked very beautiful, too.

  2. Thank you for showing the two dresses you made from the Japanese magazine your husband got you!! I was so curious about them. They look great, and you did well to fit them nicely.

    1. Thank you Vanessa, the pattern was easy and fast to sew xx

  3. Both dresses are just lovely. Beautiful job and great fabric selection. Really compliments the style of the dress.

  4. love these dresses.. They both look so cool and comfortable.

  5. Two lovely dresses!! I especially like the blue one. Interesting pattern layout and both looked fun to sew. I also enjoyed following along with you during Me-Made-May and thought all your outfits were lovely, as always, and very much enjoyed seeing your beautiful, colorful city in the backdrop. Have a good day Hana! :)

    1. Thank you Lisa for sweet words, I've enjoyed seeing your MMM too. Have a good day xx

  6. I am completely smitten with your dress. The pintucks and sleeves are delightful.

  7. Love this dress. Looks so comfortable and cool for the hot /humid weather.


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