DIY Make-Up Zipper Pouch

  I made an easy make-up zipper pouch using leftover fabrics and was happy with the result. The final size was 26 cm x 12 cm. It's lovely, fluffy, useful and big enough to store all my makeup and skincare products.  Materials for the pouch: - Main fabric, lining and polyester batting, 40 cm x 50 cm. - Fabric tags (2x), 9 cm x 10 cm. - Bias tape band, 6 cm wide. - Zipper The sewing process started with topstitching (quilt style) the main fabric and polyester batting together. After that, I sewed the zipper at the main fabric (both sides). I attached and sewed the lining to the main fabric, right sides together. And then, topstitched both sides of the zipper. And cut the excess zipper.  I sewed the tags and inserted them in both sides of the end of the zipper and sewed along the lines. I sewed the bias tape bands on both sides. And cut the corners in square shape 4 cm x 4 cm (not including seam allowance). I connected the squares together and sewed them. I sewed the bias ta...

Magam May: BurdaStyle Outfit # Monotone

Hi everyone..
I finished my MAGAM May outfit with the theme "Monotone".
After searched my stash and double checked my wardrobe, I decided to make wearable garments that  suits hot summer weather.
And here is my final outfit, high-waist skirt and sleeveless top,

Pattern :
BurdaStyle Ribbon Dress 03/2013  size 34. I hacked the dress pattern to separate pattern. I will explain more about my work in this outfit in the below post.

1 yard of medium cotton poplin in cream color
1 yard of knit cotton in white color
1.5 yards of lace in cream color
Fusible tape and invisible zipper for the skirt
and thread

Sewing Process:

----Sleeveless Top-----
Firstly, I copied the original bodice patterns. For the front bodice, I raised the middle neckline 5 cm and added the shoulder line at the neckline 3 cm and then drew a new line of the front neckline. I didn't used the darts. I just pass over the darts and make it as a loose bodice.
For the back bodice, I reduced the middle back 1/2 cm and added the shoulder line at the neckline 3 cm and then drew a new line of the back neckline. I removed the zipper and did the same thing for the darts. The back bodice is on fold, not two pieces anymore.
After that, I lengthen the bodice until the middle of my hips.

I cut the fabrics, knit fabric for inner top and lace fabric for outer top. Pin and sew both fabrics together. Sew all the raw edges using an overlocker sewing machine.

Pin and sew the front and back fabrics at the shoulder right sides together.
And then pin and sew the front and back fabrics in both sides, right sides together.
Folded the neckline 1 cm to the wrong side, pin and sew using twin needle.
Also folded the armhole 1 cm to the wrong side, pin and sew using twin needle. Press both finishing armhole and neckline with iron.
Hem the top 3 cm hem allowance, press with iron and done!

Here are  the results, front view with neckline-armhole and hem details. And back view with neckline and armhole details too

----High-Waist Skirt----
I made a wearable skirt muslin with normal waistline before and happy with how it turned out. So this time I want to try high-waist style.

I added 2 cm in both sides of the skirt front and back. Omitted the ribbons for the darts and added high-waistband 16 cm x waist measurement. In the end the waistband is 8 cm wide.
I pin and sew the darts - front and back.
Pin and sew the skirt at both sides right sides together.
Fuse fusible tape on the middle back of the skirt.
Pin and sew the waistband onto the skirt.
After that I sew the invisible zipper until the top of the waistband. Sew the remaining of the middle back skirt. Press with iron.
Pin and sew the hemline, 4 cm hem allowance. Press with iron. Done!

And here is a closer look of the front and back views. You can see that the darts are not straight, they are a little bit sideways. I love them :)

Well, before I say goodbye for today post, here are two more picture of me wearing my outfit, back and front views

Happy sewing!


  1. That is a nice monotone outfit that will suit you well in the summerdays!

    1. Thank you, Sa sa. It is really hot here and I need a comfy outfit to wear :)

  2. A lovely outfit for summer. And it looks like you are enjoying some warm sunshine over there! The lace fabric is beautiful :)x

    1. Thank you, Dawn :)
      Not only warm but very hot with high humidity here - especially in the morning and mid day.

  3. I love those sideways darts as well. What a great little outfit - good idea to have two tops, because you will wash these more. And as the colours are so neutral, you can also wear each piece with something else. So great monotone outfit and great mixing basics :)

    1. Thank you, Sarah Liz. I only made one top, the knit is for inner top (lining) and the lace for the outer. I just pin and sew them together :)
      My lace top look more white in the last two pictures, I think because I took the pictures inside the house.

  4. This outfit should be cool and comfortable. It looks cute on you. I've purchase a piece of crème lace for a top as well.

    1. Thank you, Dorothy. Can not wait to see your finished top. Crème color is perfect for summer :)

  5. Love this so much-it is a perfect outfit for your climate (and mine).

  6. I love the lace! This looks perfect for summer!

  7. I love this whole ensemble and your instructions are written so well, it was easy to understand and follow what you did. Fantastic idea separating a dress into 2 separates and the knit top is lovely with the skirt. I'm so used to seeing you in colors, but you look so pretty in a neutral monotone too! :)

  8. Lovely and very chic outfit Hana! I too love the interesting darts on this skirt. These pieces will be very versatile in your wardrobe. Great job!

    1. Thank you, sweet lady! The darts are unusual and I think they fit well :)


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