Refashioned Ruffle Hem Top

Hi there, happy sewing! I made a new ruffle hem top, refashioned from the cotton dress I made a few years ago. For the pattern, I used a self-drafted top. The top is lovely, with a square neckline, sleeveless and a little ruffle at the hemline. Perfect for summer. I love it and this will be a great addition to my handmade wardrobe. Also, the top is easy to wear with a skirt or pants.  Here is the old dress, it's still in good condition but I really want to refashion it 😊 I bought the fabric during our trip to Japan, it's lovely floral cotton. I removed the zipper and the sleeves and cut the fabric. For the ruffle hem, I used whatever was left and connected them together.  Here are the top pieces after cutting and for the facings, I used light purple cotton leftover and fused them with fusible interfacing. The sewing process was enjoyable and I did the top in three days during my free time. It started with sewing the darts, the fa

Sewing Plans

Hello everyone,
Today post is about my sewing plans for Magam Challenge and about other things that I want to do in the next couple weeks.

For Magam June plan, I want to make an outfit - a very comfy t-shirt and a skirt.
For the fabrics:
T-shirt, I will use 1.5 yards of knit cotton in white color and for the skirt, I will use 1.5 yards of floral stretch cotton.

For the patterns,
T-shirt, Burda pattern 113/114 from Burda Magazine from June 2008 in Spanish edition. I saw the minimum size is 38, so I have to draw size 36 by myself and I saw that the t-shirt had nice detail in the armholes and sleeves, but I am not sure which one will suit me. So, I will try both styles - with or without gather. I will see later...
Skirt, I will use Burdastyle pattern 10/2013 - 123 size 36 - for sure I have to make adjustment on the waist. The skirt has a slight flare and decorative large hip-yoke pockets.
Image source
And for other plans, I want to make four summer dresses. I will use my orange floral cotton, grey gingham, dark blue polka dots stretch cotton and green batik. I will post the details of each dress when they are done. I already started work on the orange floral cotton - it's a sleeveless shift dress with square neckline.

Also, I want to make four t-shirt. I will used the fabrics below, all of them are knit cotton. I will post the details of each t-shirt when they are done.

I already made a pajama shorts for my husband with the dark blue fabric and planning to make the second one with the green fabric. I bought two of the fabrics (dark blue and green) 3 yards each, so for sure I still have left over fabric to make t-shirt for myself :)

I think is enough for today post and I hope I manage to make it all :-)
Happy sewing!


  1. Hana, such beautiful fabrics.. great ideas.. Look forward to seeing all these lovely garments. Happy sewing.

    1. Thank you, Judy. I just hope that I'll done it all before my holidays :)

  2. You are ambitious! I love the fabric choices and cannot wait to see what you make. I, too, have caught the summer dress bug and am plotting at least two!

    1. I love the fabrics too very much. Thank you for lovely comment and can not wait to see your finished dress :)

  3. You must have quite a library of Burda Style dress - going back some years :). It's good to have sewing plans, I think - that way, there is always something to look forward to making, and also things in mind to make, no being lost wondering what to do.

    1. Yes, I have a little library of Burdastyle, I normally buy them when I am travelling or friend/family give it to me :)
      I agree with your opinion about sewing plans and thank you for sweet comment :)

  4. Oh, dear Lady! You inspire me .... All these projects are beautiful and I will be looking foward to enjoy them.

    1. Thank you dear and you inspired me too with your pretty garments :)

  5. Beautiful fabric. You are going to have alot of versatile pieces, can't wait to see them.

  6. Pretty plans! I really like your fabrics

    1. Thank you, I like the fabrics too so much :)

  7. I love your fabric, you have great taste. I can't wait to see what you make.

  8. Great fabrics, Hana—it looks as if you will end up with a really nice summer wardrobe.


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